- A superhero is a fictional character of extraordinary super human powers dedicated to protecting the public.
- Normally superheroes use their powers to police day to day crime whilst also combating superhuman villains.
- Superheroes vary in powers from superhuman strength, the ability to fly, enhanced senses the projection of energy bolts. Some super heros don't have a super human strength but a mastered skill in a martial art.
- They have a distinctive costume to conceal their identity.
- A motivation, a sense of responsibility.
- A headquarters/ base of operations.
- Many superheroes work independently but some work as part of a team, they have common origins and usually operate as a group.
Superheroes costumes:
- A superheroes costume makes him or her recogniseable to the general public. The costume is often skin tight and some have unitard or underpants over the top.
- Costumes are often colorful to enhance the characters visual appeal, they often include lettering from their name.
- They often wear masks to conceal their identity most common masks cover the upper face and conceal the mouth and jaw this allows a more believable disguise and reveals facial expressions.
Superheroes headquarters:
- A safe house, to conceal themselves from the outside world
- A laboratory for the experiments and scientific study.
- A weapons platform.
- Somewhere to keep weapons and armory.
- A trophy room for mementoes of significant fights and battles.
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